About us
Frequently Asked Questions

What is myflow and how does it work?
myflow is a new way to train your mental strength effectively. In simplified terms, it’s a “fitness tracker" for your brain. myflow uses virtual reality to give instant feedback on how stressed, alert or relaxed you are by measuring your pupils. This helps you to adjust and improve how you handle stress in real-time. It makes you better at dealing with tough situations and feeling good overall, plus, it gives you a metric of how well your mental training is going. For more information, visit our Product.
Who is myflow intended for?
The use of myflow is intended for sports professionals, who want to improve their mental well-being, adjust their training based on real-time data and follow a high-quality and science-based training approach. myflow is for both sports clubs and associations, as well as for individual athletes and their coaches.
What are the key benefits and features of myflow?
myflow's advantage lies in its ability to provide a cost-effective and user-friendly neurofeedback tool that allows for quantification of the brain’s arousal system (which plays an important role in responses to stress). Thereby, myflow offers a mobile and easy-to-use solution compared to existing EEG-Neurofeedback devices, that are expensive and highly complex. As such, myflow provides the perfect solution for sports clubs and associations to help their professional athletes measure and track their mental strength via a self-regulation training software application in virtual reality.
How can I get myflow?
We offer various options for individuals and sports clubs or associations. For more information on different packages, visit our sales offers or contact us.
Is there a minimum duration for the subscription of myflow?
Currently, the minimum duration for a myflow subscription is one month. If you would like to know more about the subscription duration, visit our sales offers or contact us.
Can myflow be downloaded on any available VR goggles?
myflow can be downloaded and used on any commercially available VR hardware with appropriate integrated eye-tracking. Please contact us to see if your VR hardware is compatible. If you don’t have the appropriate hardware available, we offer an Equipment as a Service package, where you can buy or rent the necessary hardware.
How do I get in touch?
We are always happy to talk to you about possible ideas, collaborations, interests and more! Just contact us with your request and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.