Last weekend, the myflow team was able to attend the Scientifica 2021, which opened the opportunity to present the novel technique of myflow to the general population.
The Scientifica is a two-day event of the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich, where the two universities open their doors and invite the public to experience science on-site.
The myflow team presented the innovative technology in a series of six workshops. After an introduction to the science behind myflow, the visitors were given the opportunity to test the device on site.
All ‘try-it-out’ sessions were fully booked and filled with people from the age of 5 to 80. The team gained valuable insights through the physical testing and subsequent interesting discussions with the participants.
Across the board, people were very impressed by the product. Moreover, the product found equal popularity with people from the sports sector, private individuals, and business executives, as well as parents and persons from the education sector. This diverse group of people identified both familiar and new applications for myflow and stated that they would be happy to continue using myflow in the future.
The experiences at the Scientifica 2021 showed once more that mental training is a pressing topic, and that many people have a great need to grow and educate themselves in this area. The valuable customer feedback gathered throughout the workshops brings the myflow team one step closer to their overall goal: to create a consumer product that adds value to every single person and can be used in everyday life.